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På flyget, precis efter att vi lyft. Jag: Excuse me, could I have a glass of water for my wife? Flygvärdinna: (Ser oroad ut) Of course. Is she ill? Jag: Nonono, she just needs to take some pills for her headache. Flygvärdinna: (Ännu mer oroad) Is she having a headache? Jag: Yes. Flygvärdinna: (Nickar) It … Continued

På flyget, precis efter att vi lyft.

Jag: Excuse me, could I have a glass of water for my wife?

Flygvärdinna: (Ser oroad ut) Of course. Is she ill?

Jag: Nonono, she just needs to take some pills for her headache.

Flygvärdinna: (Ännu mer oroad) Is she having a headache?

Jag: Yes.

Flygvärdinna: (Nickar) It could be due to the (jag tror att hon säger något om “turbulence”) and the fact that we’ve been having some problems with the (jag tror att hon säger något om “cabin pressure”)

Jag: Okej.

Flygvärdinna: (Lägger pannan i veck så djupa att man skulle kunna gömma smycken i dem) Is it normal? That your wife gets headaches in situations like these?

Jag: Alltså…I don’t know. Sometimes she says that she gets them because I talk too much, you know? And sometimes when people at her job are stupid in the head. And sometimes when our son is in a bad mood and I kind of try to ma…

(Flygvärdinna höjer ganska missnöjt på ögonbrynen)

Jag: (Harklar mig) When you said “normal in situations like these”, you meant “normal” as in “normal when she’s on an AIRPLANE”. Didn’t you?

(Ganska lång tystnad)

Jag: It feels a little bit like you did.


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